A New Chapter Begins

My Big Leap to Bali


I hope this email finds you well and thriving. I'm excited to share some big news with you today, I know I just shared other big news but trust me this one is HUGE – I've taken a leap that's been a long time coming. This weekend, I packed my bags and moved to Bali for the foreseeable future!

As I write this from my new tropical home, I can't help but reflect on the whirlwind of changes I've experienced over the past four years:

  • Running a 7-figure business

  • Navigating the pandemic

  • Closing my business

  • Becoming a brand and marketing strategy consultant

  • Embracing single motherhood

  • Launching my new AI Marketing business

Now, as I've just turned 40, it's time for new dreams and a fresh perspective.

Why Bali?

This move is about more than just a change of scenery. It's about:

  1. Returning to creativity through my AI Image work

  2. Growing as an online creator

  3. Practicing true work-life balance

  4. Living a life that extends beyond my professional achievements, including more quality time with my beautiful son

I'm excited to share more of my life outside of AI tutorials with you. If you're following me, chances are you're a lot like me – a highly driven, Type A personality. And that probably means you need a break too.

My hope is that by sharing this journey, I can inspire you to:

  • Pursue your dreams, no matter how big they seem

  • Find balance in your own life

  • Embrace change and new experiences

  • use AI to set yourself free by reducing your work hours without reducing your income

What's Next?

Don't worry – I'll still be bringing you all the AI marketing insights you love. But I'll also be sharing glimpses of life in Bali, my personal growth journey, and how I'm learning to blend work and play in paradise.

If you've missed any recent content, be sure to check out my latest blog posts:

These will catch you up on the latest AI techniques while I settle into my new home.

I'd love to hear your thoughts! Have you ever considered making a big life change? What's holding you back? Reply to this email and let me know – I read every response.

Here's to new adventures and continued growth, both in business and in life.


Tianna Bell

P.S. If you're feeling inspired to shake things up in your own life or business, remember that my 1:1 AI Coaching sessions are available to help you navigate your next big move. Let's create some magic together!