Crafting Hyper-Realistic AI Human Models:

A Step-by-Step Guide

Hey there, digital trailblazers! Ready to dive into the world of AI-generated human models? Let me show you how to create stunning, unique characters that'll make your marketing campaigns pop. We're talking Midjourney magic meets Photoshop prowess – let's get started!



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Why Create AI Human Models?

  • Unlimited customization options

  • Cost-effective alternative to traditional model photoshoots

  • Perfect for creating diverse, inclusive marketing visuals

Step 1: Laying the Foundation with Midjourney

First things first, we're jumping into Midjourney to design our model piece by piece. Here's the secret sauce:

  • Use specific prompts for photo-realistic results

  • Focus on individual features to nail the details

  • Experiment with different prompts until you get that "wow" factor

Pro Tip: Keep your client's vision in mind as you craft your Midjourney prompts. This is all about bringing their ideas to life!

Step 2: Enhancing with Photoshop's AI Tools

Now, let's take that Midjourney masterpiece into Photoshop and level it up:

  1. Nose and Freckles: • Use the generative fill tool to add unique features • Experiment with prompts to achieve the desired look

  2. Eyes: • Generate multiple options (you get three at a time) • Keep regenerating until you find the perfect gaze • Aim for a clean, mature look for versatility

  3. Hair and Neck: • Generate hair that complements the face shape • Add a neck to complete the upper body

  4. Accessories (Optional): • Try adding earrings or other accessories • If it doesn't work out, let AI fill in naturally

  5. Eyebrows and Forehead: • Regenerate until you find the perfect match • Look for options that cast natural shadows for added realism

Step 3: Dressing and Expanding the Scene

Time to give your AI model some style:

  • Expand the image to create a larger scene

  • Add clothing (we went with a simple white shirt for versatility)

  • Consider the background (we opted for a clean studio shot)

Remember: You can always go back and add more details later. Start with a solid foundation and build from there.

Taking It Further: Midjourney Variations

Once you've got your perfect AI model, the possibilities are endless:

  • Use your creation as a reference image in Midjourney

  • Generate multiple variations for different scenarios

  • Create an entire "family" of AI models for diverse campaigns

The Future of AI in Marketing

This technique isn't just about creating cool images – it's about revolutionizing how we approach visual marketing:

  • Faster turnaround times for campaigns

  • Endless customization options

  • Ability to create truly unique, on-brand visuals

Ready to Create Your Own AI Human Models?

Now it's your turn to dive in and start experimenting! Remember, the key to success is patience and creativity. Don't be afraid to try different prompts and techniques until you achieve the perfect look for your brand.

Need more guidance on leveraging AI for your marketing efforts? Check out my AI Marketing Mastery course, where we dive deep into these techniques and more!

Drop a comment below and let me know: What kind of AI model would you create for your next campaign? I can't wait to see what you come up with!